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Employers Given Time to Adjust to Minimum Wage Implementation

Monday, Aug 05


ome October 1st, 2024, low-income workers are set to receive a wage increase as the new minimum wage will be in effect.

Effective October 1st 2024, every worker in the country is entitled to no less than $6.50/hour, $52/daily or $1130/month. According to government statistics, 13,000 workers are expected to benefit from this minimum wage enactment. 

Labour Minister Dr Virginia Albert-Poyotte says the October implementation date provides employers with enough time to make financial adjustments.

So the different employers have the time now to make the adjustments on their books to see how we are going to ensure that persons get that minimum wage,” she said.

Dr. Albert-Poyotte makes a special plea to workers who normally receive service charge commissions. She reminds them that their service charge payments must be added to their base pay.

The Minister says employees must be able to spot the difference between their new wage and the service charge payments. 

In the hotels, where they have service charge and other commissions, that is not included in the minimum wage. It has to be added after you have been awarded the minimum wage. So whatever commissions and service charges that come in, it must be on top of that minimum wage,” she stressed.

The Minister adds that the government will be monitoring businesses to ensure mass layoffs do not occur.