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Catholics Pay Homage to Cardinal Kelvin Felix

Wednesday, Jun 12


ardinal Kelvin Edward Felix died on Thursday, 30th May 2024, at the Abbey of Our Lady of the Assumption, Mount of Prayer (Coubaril).

He was 91 years old. His funeral took place on Wednesday morning, 12 June, in the minor basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Castries.

Cardinal Kelvin Edward Felix, Archbishop emeritus of Castries, was born in Roseau, Dominica, on 15th February, 1933. He studied at the St. John Vianney seminary in Trinidad.

Sitting Archbishop of Castries, Fr. Gabriel Malzaire, remembers the late Cardinal as a pillar of West Indian society whose life was an example of Christ’s.

I believe the life and example of Cardinal Felix in so many ways sought to improve that which was not completely wholesome in our society, whether it was through his social action, ecumenical work, his preaching, his focus on the formation of the youth and education, his celebration of the Christian liturgy with care and decorum, and his very life example,” said Fr Malzaire.

Cardinal Felix was ordained a priest on 8 April 1956. He was the first diocesan priest from Roseau and the first Catholic priest to be ordained in Dominica.

Archbishop Malzaire explained that Cardinal Felix had always wanted to pass away on Corpus Christi and that prayer was answered.

I maintain that the passing of the Cardinal on the solemnity of Corpus Christi, the solemnity of the body and blood of Christ, was not a simple coincidence. His absolute dedication to and reverence for Jesus in the blessed sacrament was unparalleled.”

Cardinal Felix has taught at the Seminary of St. John Vianney and has served as a professor of Sociology at the University of the West Indies of St. Augustine.

He was appointed as archbishop of Castries on 17 July 1981, and he received episcopal consecration on 5 October of the same year. His pastoral governance of the diocese continued until 15 February 2008.

His body will be repatriated to his home country in Dominica and will be interred on June 20th.