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National Calypso Semi-Finalists Announced

Saturday, Jun 15


‌fter a gruelling week of competition, 18 Calypsonians have been selected to proceed to the semi-final round of the Calypso Monarch Competition.
 The Carnival Planning and Management Committee has released the following information for the upcoming show.
D‌ate: June 23nd 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: National Cultural Center
Cost: $40 Advanced Tickets| $50 at the door
Available at Steve’s Barbershop & The Cell Outlets Islandwide
The semi-finals promise an electrifying showcase of talent and infectious energy.
Saint Lucia carnival has started with a bang as calypso lovers and tent-pinez have almost sold out crowds for the season. The Junior Calypso Monarch saw over 4000 students converge at the Sab followed by a National Schools Panorama Festival. The much anticipated Carnival Queen show will be hosted on June 29, 2024 after which masqueraders, carnival bands and private promoters will begin their countdown to Lucian Carnival, specifically two days on the road July 15-16.