Hilaire, Chastanet Clash at Chamber of Commerce Luncheon

Monday, Aug 12


e are convinced that we must do whatever we can to ensure that our approvals are based on the most rigorous examination,” remarked Investment Minister Ernest Hilaire in defense of the country’s CIP Unit.

Tensions were high on Monday, August 12th when Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet began his questioning with name-calling to Investment Minister Ernest Hilaire on the CIP Unit following Hilaire’s address to the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon.

The two politicians were at loggerheads at the function as Chastanet hurled allegations of corruption against the Minister and Citizenship by Investment Unit.

I can categorically say that the minister is a fraud, that the minister lied, and I'm hoping that members here will take their own time to do their own verification,” Chastanet claimed.

Central to Chastanet’s allegations was the RICO lawsuit filed against the governments of St. Kitts and Saint Lucia by Kittian-based agent, Philippe Martinez.

Martinez claims that CIP developer, Caribbean Galaxy, was unscrupulous in its financial dealings in the CIP sector in St. Kitts, and by extension, Saint Lucia. Martinez also claims to be in possession of evidence of the same. 

Chastanet also launched an attack against the government’s new CIP option, coined the “Infrastructure Option”.

The Infrastructure Option is a recent addition to Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Programme. According to the government, this option allows developers to undertake infrastructural projects and recover their investment upon completion.

Minister Hilaire clarified that applicants must satisfy all due diligence requirements before they commence the infrastructure projects.

I think I started off being slow and deliberate. I outlined all the steps that have to be followed by an applicant. When the applicant completes all the due diligence, all the processes, he is then asked to make his investment. I think I explained that clearly. I don't know how much better I can explain that.”

On June 3rd, the government of Saint Lucia signed an OECS Memorandum aimed at strengthening CIPs in the region.