Greater Sensitisation Needed for Preservation of Cultural Practices

Monday, Aug 19


think we as a collective need to do a lot more,” said cultural activist Yannette James, as she participated in the Ministry of Tourism’s Public Sector La Wòz Celebrations.

Yannette James, a Creative Industries Assistant by profession and a singer by passion, is also part of the Micoud La Wòz Group.

The Department of Creative Industries partnered with the Mon Repos La Wòz Group and serenaded the Office of the Prime Minister and other government departments on Friday, August 16th, with music and dance.

According to James, the country’s rich cultural heritage needs to be taught in schools and preserved throughout everyday life if it is expected to survive.

The reason Carnival has grown is because of the sensitisation that has taken place, the information, people know a lot about it. Hence the reason the Department of Creative Industries came up with this initiative to start that process in strengthening and helping our citizens understand where and what the Flower Festival is to our Saint Lucian culture,” she said.

Prime Minister Pierre expressed his gratitude to the Department and encouraged citizens to get involved with the cultural celebrations.

I want all Saint Lucians to enjoy that culture, that's what makes us Saint Lucian. Our culture, our heritage, our patrimony, our history, that's what makes us Saint Lucian. And the flower festivals are part of that history, which we have to encourage, which we have to ensure that our young people understand,” he said.

The Gwan Fèt La Wòz is celebrated annually, on August 30th.