Wednesday, Feb 05


Wednesday, Aug 28


ress Release - The Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) wishes to advise that sewerage works are scheduled for the morning of Thursday, 29th August, 2024, on Chaussee Road, Castries starting from 9:00 AM.

To facilitate these repairs, WASCO has requested the assistance of the police department in closing a section of Chaussee Road, between the intersection of Chaussee Road and Brazil Street and the intersection of Chaussee Road and MaryAnn Street, Castries.

This closure is necessary to allow WASCO's technicians to facilitate a sewerage line diversion in the vicinity.

Motorists are advised to use alternative routes during this period.

For any inquiries, please contact the site supervisor, Mr. Shervon Placide, at 482-0147. WASCO thanks you for your usual assistance and cooperation and apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.