Former Cabinet Secretary Benjamin Emmanuel Appointed Chairman of Millennium Heights Medical Complex

Tuesday, Feb 04


uring Monday’s pre-Cabinet Press Briefing on Monday 3rd February, Hon. Moses Jn. Baptiste announced the appointment of Mr. Benjamin Emmanuel as the new chairman of the Millennium Heights Medical Complex (MHMC).

Mr. Emmanuel is no stranger to the public service having served as Cabinet Secretary from 2017-2023. He has also served as a senior manager for SLASPA during his decorated career.

The full composition of the board is as follows:

Mr. Benjamin Emmanuel – Chairman

Dr. Alisha Eugene Ford – Deputy Chairperson

Mr. Wenn Gabriel

Mr. Perry Thomas

Dr. Kedmah Dohr

Ms. Jenny Daniel – Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs

Representative from the union representing employees

Representative from a recognized consumer association

Director of Clinical Services

Dr. Damien Greaves – CEO, MHMC


The Minister expressed full confidence in the abilities of Ben Emmanuel to “chart the course of the MMHC” and also expressed his desire to work with the board to better the health sector.

As per the Millennium Heights Medical Complex Act, Section 8 “Duration of Appointment” board members are appointed to hold office for a period of three (3) years from the date of their appointment, and are eligible for reappointment for not more than one consecutive term.