“‘No Exchange, No Refund’ - This Is Illegal”, NCA Says

Wednesday, Sep 06


ational Consumer Association President, Dr. Thecla Fitz-Lewis is encouraging consumers to be aware of their rights in the market.

She marks one particular occurrence where merchants display signs saying “No exchange, No refund”. According to the NCA President, this act is illegal. It is a consumer’s right, she adds, to either get an exchange or a refund.

 “Merchants displaying signs, “No Exchange, No Refund” - this is illegal, it is unconstitutional, according to our Labour Act in Saint Lucia passed in 2022,” Dr. Fitz-Lewis said. She adds that consumers have an option of one of three actions they could take when purchasing an item. “If you purchase something that is not compliant with your needs, or it doesn't meet the requirements, the quality, or the standards, merchants are to repair, refund or replace. If someone purchases an item for you that is defunct or dysfunctional, you have a responsibility to take it back.

 The NCA President also mentioned the issue of no warranties on electrical items when bought from stores. Every electrical item, she stresses, has a warranty. “Buying an item and the merchant will tell you it has no warranty, especially an electrical item. Every electrical item has a warranty, which could be six months to one year, but it has a warranty. If somebody purchases a fan and after two weeks the fan stops working, you have a responsibility to replace it, repair it or refund it.”

 The Ministry of Commerce’s Consumer Affairs Department has put mechanisms in place for citizens to report instances of consumer rights violations. Dr. Fitz-Lewis says she hopes these initiatives continue, however stresses the need for public education.  “We are embarking on different educational drives. We did some television appearances and now we have collaborated with the Consumer Affairs Department.”

 Of late, both the Consumer Affairs Department and the National Consumer Association are engaging the public on their rights as consumers as a response to increased prices in supermarkets.