Wednesday, Jul 03

Ambulance Crashes Head-First in Dennery

Wednesday, Sep 06


n the morning of Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 an ambulance carrying an elderly patient, his relative, and two first responders crashed into a house situated near the street.

The ambulance was reportedly on the way to a medical facility.

The PRO for the Saint Lucia Fire Services reported that the elderly patient who was being transported passed away, while the other three individuals are nursing injuries. Emergency responders from the nearby Dennery Fire Station attended to the scene.

The Saint Lucia Fire Service, in a release stated that, “Investigations are ongoing to identify the cause of the incident. The Management and Staff Saint Lucia Fire Service extends sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. We also take this time to empathize with the family whose home was impacted during this incident.”

SNO will provide details when they become available.