Prime Minister announces EC$1500 Relief Payment to Non-NIC Contributors

Thursday, Sep 28


he Ministry of Equity has successfully secured $14.5 million in funding from the Inter-American Development Bank.

This funding will be utilized to offer one-time cash payments to approximately 5,000 households and informal sector workers who were not recipients of previous income support programs. The Prime Minister has outlined that these payments are in response to the economic reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential recipients have to first go through an application process, ahead of the November 2023 disbursement of the funds.

COVID brought about mental health issues, issues of depression, people have lost their income, families have been affected. We negotiated with the CDB for a loan for a loan of a little less than $6 million US dollars - I think about $5.7 million US dollars,” Prime Minister Pierre explained on September 28th, 2023.

On September 15th, 2023, social media was abuzz with rumors concerning a possible distribution of $1.5k. The Prime Minister, who had criticized the former administration's COVID relief scheme while in opposition, stated that his government would have taken a different approach had they been in charge.

Today, Pierre says, he is pleased to announce the income support package for severely affected persons. “Some 4,000 people will be getting $1,500 - the $1,500 that I spoke about when I was in opposition and I said that’s what should be paid. Because of this intervention from the government, I can say that in November, after a process of application, that will be dealt with on the level of who needs it. These people will be getting $1,500.”

Citizens who wish to apply for the income support may do so through this link: