Jawahir Denies Having Contract With GPH

Sunday, Oct 08


he Opposition United Workers’ Party calls on Government Senator Lisa Jawahir to explain her involvement in GPH marketing and communications.

GPH is the company responsible for the development of Ports Castries and Soufriere. Jawahir has denied being officially contracted by GPH for commercial communications.

When you have the mouthpiece of the Saint Lucia Labour Party promoting such a project, you have to ask whether full disclosure is being made, whether people are getting factual information,” said Choiseul/Saltibus MP. Jawahir, who is the Communications Director of the governing SLP, also owns a marketing firm.

Senator Jawahir explained her involvement with GPH, clarifying that there is no contractual agreement between herself and the company. “There is no contract between Global Ports Holding and Edge Marketing. I am familiar with the team at Global Ports Holding, and as it relates to logistics in Saint Lucia, one of the point persons on the GPH team is a local, and of course, I am very familiar with the gentleman,” she told reporters. She continued “So if they would need to get around and need certain things, that’s fine, but Edge Marketing has no contract with Global Ports Holding."

Global Port Holding began talks in 2018 with the Allen Chastanet administration which did not materialise. During this government's tenure and under the direction of Tourism Minister Hon. Ernest Hilaire, investment in the sector has seen the construction of 3 hotels and 35-tourism incentive projects being granted during this financial year. GPH is expected to transform the Castries Waterfront, Banane Bay and the Soufriere Waterfront with impressive structures in the next 18 months as recently shown by the project in the Bahamas. GPH and the Government of Saint Lucia have entered into a 20 year lease which would ensure that the citizens do not bear the cost of upgrade. 

Official missives from GPH can be found on their social media pages.