Modern Technology Should Be Used In Business, PM Says

Friday, Nov 03


t the opening ceremony for the 16th annual Saint Lucia – Taiwan Partnership Trade Show, the Prime Minister made an appeal for the incorporation of technology into business practices.

Prime Minister Pierre says the youth are being given exposure to technology and modern devices to ensure they are up-to-date with the more developed world. Pierre says the Youth Economy Agency will assist youth in utilising technology to be competitive internationally.

We want that technology to manifest itself into business. We want the use of modern technology to blossom in the Youth Economy. Young entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to transform these hobbies into business,” the Prime Minister said in his address.

Continuing, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of the government’s laptop policy: “We can bring the use of technology into business. That is why the government emphasised that we should start the one computer per student in secondary schools programme, so students can, at an early age, get used to the digital world. We can create the link between the digital economy and business and commerce.”

Pierre says the youth will create a new “class” of local business owners who can compete globally with their products. “We want them to create a new generation of indigenous business people. Every exhibitor from Saint Lucia [must] have in the forefront of their minds the creation of a new class of entrepreneur who will produce not only for the local business market but will  export and make a mark in the global economy,” Pierre explained.

The Ministry of Commerce has named the month of November “Business Month”, under the theme “Trade in the Digital Age”. A calendar of activities has been released by the Ministry, where time will be taken to inform business owners of the importance of technology incorporation.