Wednesday, Jan 29

“March of Marches” Scheduled for “Before Independence” 2024

Thursday, Nov 09


olitical Leader of the SLP, Philip J. Pierre, is rallying his party faithful for a potential 2024 pro-government march ahead of the island’s 45th Independence Anniversary.

Pierre promises the country a march the likes of which have never been seen before.

I am calling on the troops of the Saint Lucia Labour Party to take to the streets to support the government of the Saint Lucia Labour Party,” Pierre said, describing the prospective event as a “march of marches”.  “We are going to show them that the people of Saint Lucia are Labour and the people of Saint Lucia are happy with the government of the Saint Lucia Labour Party,” Pierre stated.

In response, a possibly over-confident Allen Chastanet has asked Pierre to call a premature general election instead. On numerous prior occasions, the Opposition has called for a premature election, which is constitutionally due in 2026.

The only way you could truly test the support you have is to go to the polls,” Chastanet said. “I think the Prime Minister shouldn’t waste his time with a march because I don’t know that the march is going to achieve anything.” The UWP had its own march on October 14, 2023, challenging the government’s policies. However, notable UWP members were recorded on video as being at loggerheads with law enforcement personnel, who prevented the crowd from entering onto the St. Jude Hospital construction site.

Following the July 26, 2021 general elections, the SLP, with the help of Independent Candidates, secured 15 of the 17 seats in the House of Assembly. This defeat is the UWP’s worst defeat since 1997, when the SLP won a staggering 16 of 17 seats, leaving a lonely Micoud North seat to UWP. In 2021, for the first time in Saint Lucian history, the UWP lost the Micoud North constituency.