Felix Says He Fears No Prosecution

Tuesday, Nov 21


ublic officers, both past and present, wait with bated breath for the first investigation by the newly appointed Special Prosecutor [SP].

Opposition MP, Bradley Felix, clarifies that he is not among public officers fearful of prosecution. Felix says he is prepared for whatever may come his way. 

Let’s see where that leads. Whatever comes my way, I will address it when the time comes. But I have no fear with regard to public prosecution, special prosecution, or any prosecution for that matter,” the MP told the press.

There has been no public declaration of the specific matters the Special Prosecutor will investigate. According to Prime Minister, Philip J. Pierre, the Special Prosecutor isn’t a political appointee acting on the bidding of the government. Instead, he is an independent officer acting upon his own investigations. The only hint at the possible charge of the SP came during the Governor General’s Throne Speech in August 2021.

My government, in recognition of the widespread unprecedented reports of alleged corruption during the term of the last administration, will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate allegations of corruption in government,” Acting Governor General H.E Cyril Errol Charles said in 2021.

Felix wishes the SP well in his tenure and promises the cooperation of the Opposition.

I wish him all the best and there’s a lot of work to be done. I’m hoping that he addresses some past and current ongoing investigations…Whatever cooperation he requires from the opposition, he will receive. We will wait and see. I think it was a promise the current government made to the population,” he said.

The announcement of Robert Innocent’s appointment as SP sent shockwaves not only throughout Saint Lucia, but the wider Caribbean.