Correctional Welfare Services Association at loggerheads with Ministry Officials

Thursday, Aug 03


n a letter dated 25th July 2023, the Correctional Services Welfare Association wrote to the Prime Minister, voicing their concerns to him. Six issues, ranging from promotions to insurance policies, were highlighted in the letter. The executive stressed that these demands require “immediate redress” from the “relevant agencies” for the effective functioning of the Correctional Services. 

In a letter dated 28th July 2023 from the Department of Home Affairs to the Welfare Association Executive, a response from the Permanent Secretary was issued in relation to the six articles of contention. The letter informed the Welfare Association that, as it relates to issue one, staff promotions were “50% complete”. The Permanent Secretary also affirmed that it is the Public Service Commission that is responsible for the promotion of Correctional Officers. The letter also addressed the issue of transportation for Correction Officers. According to the missive, “1 vehicle for the transporting of Correctional Officers [...] and the process to procure the vehicle has already begun [...] An estimated date of arrival has not been given from the supplier.” Finally, the issue of the fencing of the Correctional Facility was addressed. According to the Permanent Secretary,

The fencing project has made successful strides in the procurement process and it must be noted that the fencing materials are being procured internationally. An award of contract is expected to be disclosed by August 2023 with the proposed completion by final Quarter of the Financial Year 2023/2024.”

In a letter dated 30th July 2023 by the Welfare Association Executive to its membership, it was noted that “Some of the issues received immediate attention and we are mostly grateful for this course of action on the part of the Employer”.

However, the Welfare Association also claims that certain provisions of their collective agreement were rejected by the Department of Home Affairs. “Issues which form part of our collective agreement with the Government negotiating team have been rejected by the Department of Home Affairs”. Peter, however, could provide the provisions which were rejected. 

On August 2nd, 2023, the Welfare Association has now issued concerns regarding the health and safety of its membership. From the available documents, it is worth noting that these current concerns were not previously addressed in the missives sent to the Prime Minister. According to Welfare Association Public Relations Officer, Yasmine Peter, there are many health and safety issues that persist at the Correctional Facility. 

We have officers being electrocuted while doing their job [...] we have drones being spotted flying over the facility [...] a malfunctioning sewer system threatens the health of our members on a daily basis” Peter explained to St Lucia News Online. According to her, these issues prevent Correctional Officers from fulfilling their duties effectively. 

According to her, however, the Welfare Association has been made aware that some of the equipment they requested from the Government has been ordered and shipped. These equipment are currently en route to Saint Lucia. However, as she notes, other grievances remain unsolved.