Pierre Shocked UWP Accepts CCJ Ruling

Tuesday, Dec 19


he United Workers’ Party is on record opposing the government’s decision to replace the Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice.

The UWP held protests demanding the government conduct a referendum to decide whether or not the country ascends to the CCJ, despite one not being required by the nation’s constitution. The UWP claimed the lack of a referendum infringed Saint Lucian’s democratic rights.

However, the first case before the CCJ involved the UWP’s First Deputy Leader, Guy Joseph, who filed a defamation suit against a local media station. The Court ruled in favour of the former Minister and allowed the lawsuit to proceed. 

The Prime Minister says he feels vindicated by the government’s decision to accede to the appellate jurisdiction of the CCJ.

You realise that the first person who went to the Caribbean Court of Justice was the United Workers Party. I don’t know if Saint Lucians remember the demonstrations and the noise and the calumny against me because I was following the constitution,” Pierre said.

One of the benefits first outlined by the government was the reduced cost of seeking justice at the CCJ. The Prime Minister observes Joseph’s appeal was heard by the Courts swiftly. This, he says, would not have been the case with the Privy Council.

Ask him how much he paid to go to the Caribbean Court of Justice. It just shows when people want to be mischievous and want to just talk for talking sake and want to create disharmony and misinformation. Truth, as I always tell you, truth is what will see me through,” the PM told reporters.

While the UWP is claiming a total victory, Joseph’s lawsuit must still be heard on its merits in the High Court of Justice.

Saint Lucia became the fifth CARICOM state to become a full member of the CCJ