Fire Service Reminds Citizens of Fire Protocols this Festive Season

Wednesday, Dec 20


ith the festive season already here, the Saint Lucia Fire Service renews its reminders to citizens about fire safety and prevention.

This is in an effort to reduce the number of house fires into the new year. Assistant Divisional Officer Mabius Francis reminds the public that the main cause of house fires involves cooking.

“Keep the stove top clear of towels, mittens, or anything that could burn,” Francis urged. In the case of oil o fat-related fires, Francis reminds citizens to “shut off the burner and cover the pot with a lid.” Trying to out the fire with water can be extremely dangerous, he explained.

The SLFS also frowns on the use of extension cords and electrical adapters as these can overload electrical outlets. Even worse, he adds, is using defective appliances.

Avoid using electrical appliances and devices with defects. Some light bulbs are only for indoor use. Verify before outdoor use. Above all, have a plan for fire emergencies. Install smoke alarms at your home,” Francis said.

Remember to call the Fire Service immediately at the sign of a fire. Have a working fire extinguisher at the house and learn to use it and lastly, have at least two ways out of every room in your house. A door and a window can work,” the Assistant Divisional Officer continued.

Last year, the SLFS responded to 711 house fires. According to the SLFS, the risk of house fires increases during the holiday season.