Local Catholic Church Adhering to Pope’s Decree

Wednesday, Jan 10


ollowing a pronouncement by Pope Francis that Catholic priests can bless homosexual relationships, the head of the local Catholic church provides some clarity

Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire says the church caters to all humans, as all have sinned. Malzaire asserts the mission of the church is not to cast judgements, but to lead followers to Christ.

You are called to minister to people and every person is a person of dignity in the sight of God - every single person. Therefore, my mission as a priest, and a minister, is to deal with people. Now, the same people you; 're dealing with, they do all kinds of things. They have actions which are inordinate,” His Grace Malzaire indicated.

The decree from Pope Francis was released in late 2023, in which the religious leader said the church will continue to observe marriage as being between a man and a woman. However, Francis says priests can offer blessings to same-sex couples in the way they would heterosexual couples. The ultimate goal, he says, is to apprise followers of the love of Christ.

Malzaire explains that blessings from priests aid people in receiving God. 

The document is very clear about that. When a person asks you for a blessing, it must have a dimension of ascent. That means the person desires to rise to a different level…my purpose is to help people experience God, to come to conversion.”

Despite this explanation, however, members of the local Catholic church are not taking the latest decree in stride.