Major School Renovations Underway; Class Disruptions Expected

Wednesday, Jan 10


ducation Minister Hon. Shawn Edward says schools across the length and breadth of Saint Lucia will undergo intense rehabilitation efforts.

This, the minister says, forms part of the government’s 2024 “Year of Infrastructure” plans. Edward says these renovations affirm the administration’s commitment to providing suitable environments for both staff and students.

The Minister says the rehabilitations will be done in three components during the academic year and class disruptions are expected.

I expect a few disruptions during the term. As you are aware, our government has embarked on a comprehensive school rehabilitation programme over the last six to eight months. We have committed approximately EC $25 million for school rehabilitation. That money is being used in three separate programmes,” he said.

The first phase of the works will oversee the retrofitting of four secondary schools on-island into TVET institutions, namely the Piaye, Anse Ger, Grand Riviere and Jon Odlum Secondary Schools.

We are currently retrofitting four secondary schools so they can be TVET-specific institutions. Some of that retrofitting…deals with classrooms being converted into studios, or into barbershops because these are some of the skills we want to impart to some of the students.”

The second phase of the works will comprise schools adversely affected by Tropical Storm Bret. “We also are still working on the rehabilitation of schools that would’ve been impacted by Tropical Storm Bret. Most of the works under this programme have been executed. It’s only in a few schools where we’re basically putting in finishing touches,” he explained.

The final component involved broad renovations to schools across the island in much-needed repair. Edward says EC $20 million has been allocated for these works and will cover the smallest to the largest repairs.


The biggest of the three components is the EC $20 million we received from the AfriExim Bank, where a number of schools had been earmarked for rehabilitation. The work ranges from as small a component as a window replacement to the demolition and total reconstruction of school blocks. Case in point, the Entrepot Secondary School,” Minister Edward explained.


He also clarified that schools in the south of the island will benefit from the renovations as well. “In the South, the Plainview School is down for some major works as well…the Pierrot School is down for major works as well.”