UHC to Improve and Increase Services in 2024

Friday, Jan 19


niversal Health Coverage Director, Dr. Alisha Ford, says the move to establish good quality healthcare continues in 2024. Dr. Ford says the screening services provided by the UHC - diabetes and hypertension screening - will increase this year.

 Similarly, the public can look forward to cancer screening being available at wellness centres across the country.

 “We’re looking to launch more services under the [UHC] basket. This includes cervical cancer screening and HPV testing. We want persons to know that when you screen at the wellness centres, we will be able to give you a proper guide and proper referral. So if you know you are positive for certain things, you know where to go, et cetera. That is important - cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer are really important,” Dr. Ford explained.

When asked why other illnesses have not been considered for screening services at wellness centres, the UHC Director said, “We’re tackling illnesses which are really affecting us. Those would include hypertension and diabetes and their complications. That is already being taken care of under the performance-based pilot project. Wellness centres are already giving these services when it comes to hypertension and diabetes and these kinds of services.”

At present, screening for diabetes and hypertension is available at Dennery and Soufriere Hospitals and the Desruisseaux, Mon Repos, La Fargue, Jacmel and La Croix Maingot Wellness Centres. These health institutions are part of the pilot phase of the Performance-Based Financing Programme funded by the World Bank to improve the UHC package in Saint Lucia.

Dr. Ford says other wellness centres will be providing these screening services in the future.

An additional 9 more [wellness centres] will come on board. We’re also looking at cancer, which is a major contributor to our disease burden. It is important to start the screening process so that persons know if they have that particular illness or not and give them proper guidance through the system,” she said.

The newly instituted Health and Citizen Security Levy is said to be going to fund Saint Lucia’s UHC programme.