COVID-19 Update: 3 Deaths, Increased Hospitalisations

Friday, Jan 26


anuary 2024 showed that COVID-19 never really left as the country recorded 3 COVID-related deaths during the month.

The Ministry of Health made this disclosure amid other startling health-related announcements including an increase in leprosy diagnoses.

As expected, elderly persons and those with underlying health complications are said to be at risk most.

The Ministry…continues to note an increase in the number of persons presenting with flu-like illnesses at the Emergency Departments, Wellness Centers and private doctors' offices. This is due to new COVID-19 variants, Influenza A and B and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Over the last 14 days, an increase in hospitalizations and deaths due to COVID-19 was also noted. During the period January 15-25, 2024 three COVID-19 deaths were recorded,” CMO Dr Sharon Belmar-George dislcosed in a public health announcement January 29th, 2024.

Dr Belmar-George says the Ministry has sprung into action to ensure public health facilities are in better position to handle this latest increase.

The hospitals are on alert to ensure supplies, equipment, and medication are available. PCR and rapid testing are available free of charge to the public at the various Wellness Centers and Community Hospitals and Polyclinic. The regional public health agencies are working to source and supply the region with the necessary vaccines,” she explained.

The public is asked to employ the usual means to ensure their health amid the spike in COVID-19 cases.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, through diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, reduced stress and toxic habits. Ensure compliance by taking prescribed medication if you suffer from any chronic health conditions. Strengthen sanitary measures at home and work and maintain proper hand hygiene with regular hand washing. Wear a face mask when presenting flu-like symptoms. Consult a healthcare professional if flu-like symptoms linger or worsen.”

Those with underlying complications are asked to take all necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

Said the CMO, “All persons with chronic health conditions are strongly advised to wear a facemask when in public, in crowded conditions, and avoid contact with others who are sick. Personal responsibility is important at this time.”