Correctional Services Welfare Association and Government Reach Amicable Solution

Tuesday, Aug 08


n August 8th, 2023, the Correctional Services Welfare Association Executive issued a press release, stating that a cordial discussion was had with Government officials.

  This press release follows a week of frustrated pleas by the Welfare Association, regarding members’ safety and adequate equipment. At present, according to the Welfare Association, an agreed timeline is in play for the resolution of their grievances.

We had a very cordial and fruitful discourse. A time frame was agreed upon by both parties, the Correctional Services Welfare Association and the Ministry of Home Affairs whereby feedback should be forthcoming. The Ministry of Home Affairs along with the Executive of the Correctional Services Welfare Association will continue to work assiduously to bring a speedy resolution to the outstanding grievances.”, the Press Release read in part.

Prime Minister and Minister for Justice and National Security, Honourable Philip J. Pierre first met with the executive of the Welfare in April 2023 where concerns and issues were thrashed out. The Prime Minister  says the that government is working tirelessly to acquire the different kinds of equipment requested by the Welfare Association. According to him, many of the items have been ordered and are en route to Saint Lucia. 

We are waiting for some information from the supplier about the radios they requested. We have to get about 50 radios for the officers, and that will cost [the] government about $341,000.00”, the Minister disclosed. “We had a very good meeting [with the association]. They are satisfied with the discussion”.

In his 2021/22 and 2022/23 budget addresses, the Prime Minister had earmarked significant sums of money for remedial works at the correctional facility including fencing, sky lights, mattresses. In addition to these solutions, the Correctional Officers will benefit from a skills allowance, as well as duty-free concessions on imported vehicles.