More Government Services Coming to DigiGov as Part of Public Sector Modernisation

Monday, Feb 12


ublic Service Minister Hon. Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte says the public service is currently the subject of a strategic review to help modernise its processes.

One of the key focuses, she says, is the increase in services offered on the government’s DigiGov platform. The online platform, which was launched in 2020, is supposed to offer 154 government services. However, the current number falls well below that.

We are supposed to provide 154 services and within the next few months, we are putting in 16 more. So they are actually steadily improving the number of services that we are trying to provide to the government agencies. So there was a little slowdown but now they are at full speed because that project is almost coming to an end in the next few months or so,” she explained.

The government is also improving its use of technology. The Minister says this modernisation will be facilitated by OECS national, Dr Aubrey Armstrong, whom the government has contracted as a consultant.

Right now, we have a consultant on-ground who is preparing a strategic plan for the public service as well as an operations manual and an action plan. This report, when it is released in the coming months, will certainly set the path for us to really look at reforming and modernizing the public service,” she said.

An update is also coming to the government’s 40-year-old Staff Orders for public servants. The Orders, which are the rules and regulations for public officers, have been criticised for its archaic regulations. At present, she says, the draft bill is in circulation for public scrutiny.

And this public service has staff orders, the staff orders that have been in existence for over 40 years. And at this point, we are in the process of revising and bringing a new bill for modernizing the public service. So we have the bill ready. It is now in the public domain for discussion and feedback from the public.”

The public service is the single largest employer on the island and currently compensates over 14,000 Saint Lucians to the tune of approximately $45 million monthly.