Chastanet Walks Out After Argument with the Speaker

Tuesday, Feb 13


n an attempt to be fair, we have to take the business of this House seriously,” Deputy Speaker Jeremiah Norbert cautioned MPs on Tuesday following what he describes as a “cat-and-mouse” game being played by the Opposition Leader.

In the absence of House Speaker Claudius Francis, Deputy Speaker Jeremiah Norbert took the reins of the Chair. In what has become his typical fashion, Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet took issue with the House Speaker’s running of the Parliament. 

The issue arose when Chastanet claimed he turned his mic on to speak, but the Deputy Speaker ignored him and allowed the Prime Minister to speak.

Norbert, on the other hand, pointed to the Standing Orders of the House asserting, “Members, let’s get something straight. The Chair runs the business of the House. Everyone in this House knows how we operate. You turn on your light and you catch the Speaker’s eye. I looked all around. I looked again. I can confirm I looked on more than two occasions and no one turned on their light. There was sufficient time to [do so]”.

The Deputy Speaker says he will not allow cat-and-mouse interruptions by Members of Parliament, be they government or opposition members.

There’s this cat-and-mouse - the Prime Minister turns on his light, then [the Opposition Leader] runs to turn on his. We’re not going to play these games and I’m not going to accept it. I don’t know which other Speaker accepted it but I am not going to accept it. I am not going to accept it from a member of the Opposition or a member of the government.”

In response, Allen Chastanet stood and issued a verbal argument, disagreeing with the Speaker’s recollection of events and refused to take his seat as directed by the Speaker. Firm in his decision, Norbert said the Prime Minister would speak as his mic and light were on.

Despite having leave to continue his presentation, the Prime Minister indicated that he would withdraw to allow the Member for Micoud South to make his presentation and took his seat.

Despite these efforts, Chastanet stormed out of the Parliament’s Chambers with his bag and documents in hand, shouting “You have failed democracy.”

As Prime Minister, Allen Chastanet disobeyed the rulings and what some described as disrespected Speakers Andy Daniel and Leon Theodore. His behaviour persisted with Speaker Claudius Francis and now Jeremiah Norbert. The Speaker is the highest authority in the House of Assembly.