“Our Unity is Our Strength” - Pierre Declares Nation-Building for Independence 45

Tuesday, Feb 27


he Independence Day Celebrations are widely considered successful by citizens.

The day, which started with the National Rally at the Soufriere Mini Stadium branched out into various other events across the island. The day ended with the Independence Showcase at the Mini Stadium, featuring local acts by Arthur Allain, Ezra D’ Fun Machine Imran Nerdy, and others.

Celebrations continued into last weekend with the Independence Drag Racing with participants from across the OECS at the Air Base in Vieux Fort.

Prime Minister Pierre encourages Saint Lucians must fight against division and come together. He is calling on citizens, businesses, and organisations to unite against the common threats Saint Lucia faces.

As a country, it will serve us well to adopt a unified vision for the future. This vision must be fashioned through continuous civil dialogue and consolidated through inclusiveness in our social and political relations; in fairness, in resource allocation, and in an unrelenting desire to improve the wellbeing of the less fortunate,” Pierre said.

Saint Lucia has taken strides in the recent past to solidify itself as an independent nation. The adoption of the Caribbean Court of Justice as the country’s final appellate Court displayed the government’s faith in regional bodies and its belief in Saint Lucia’s autonomy. There have also been talks to transform Saint Lucia into a Republic by severing colonial ties with the United Kingdom and appointing an indigenous Head of State.

Despite the mixed reviews of these actions and plans, PM Pierre says citizens have more to gain by uniting.

As a people, we have more in common to unite than divide. We must protect our democratic freedoms - freedom of the press, free speech, the conventions of parliament, free and fair elections, social justice, and enforcement of law and order in our country. These responsibilities cut across all social, religious, and political differences that may exist between us,” he explained.

The Prime Minister makes a special appeal to youth, reminding them to hone their talents for the development of Saint Lucia.

To the youth of the country, let us use this occasion of the 45th anniversary of our independence to resolve to further unleash our creativity. Let the world feel once again what we can achieve, what we can accomplish. Let us use our creative talents to build a stronger, more economically powerful nation - a Saint Lucia that can be an example to the world.”