Constitutional Review Committee to Convene its First Meeting. Featured

Tuesday, Mar 05


n March 6, 2024, Members of the Constitutional Review Committee will convene their first meeting at the House of Parliament.

The committee has been charged with providing advice on the recommendations that could be implemented from the 190 – points document submitted by Justice Suzie D’auvergne and her team who began their work on Constitutional Reform [in earnest] in 2006, submitting their report in 2011.

The newly appointed 12-member committee, comprising of nominees from both the Government and Opposition which includes Hon. Bradley Felix and Hon. Allen Chastanet as members and two former members of Parliament was appointed in December, 2023.

This review of laws is consistent with Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre legislative agenda to not only modernize Saint Lucia’s Constitution but also reflect the realities of the Saint Lucian culture instead of the copy and paste laws from its past colonial master – the United Kingdom.

To date, utilizing his two-thirds majority in the Parliament, Prime Minister Pierre has changed the country’s appellate court to the regional law body – the Caribbean Court of Justice [ccj], celebrated as a more accessible court for ordinary citizens of the Caribbean.  This move, according to Pierre is a continuum along the path of true Independence with many regional advocates calling on their governments to accede to the CCJ.

Again in 2023, the Pierre – led administration amended Article 36 of the Constitution “to end the violation that had taken place in the for more than five years in this honourable House”, speaking to what many had considered a Constitutional violation on the part of the then Prime Minister, Allen Chastanet.

Of note, Allen Chastanet will convene a press conference to discuss what he described in a Facebook post, “The actions of this Government is casting a shadow over our Constitution.” Public feedback has since questioned the timeliness of this concern, citing numerous squandrered opportunities by Allen Chastanet in Parliament to raise issues regarding the Constitution of Saint Lucia and providing sound representation as His Majesty's Opposition.