Crime Prevention Minister to Hold Consultations

Tuesday, Mar 05


veryone knows what we must do to reduce crime, so Jeremiah Norbert will speak to all these people and put his plans together,” said the Prime Minister, commenting on the new ministerial position Jeremiah Norbert now occupies.

Prime Minister Pierre says he created this new Ministry to allow Norbert the liberty to hold consultations with various society groups. This, Pierre says, will provide a holistic understanding of possible crime prevention strategies.

Norbert’s role, however, will not take over that of the National Security Minister.

That is why I've appointed Jeremiah Norbert, because of his experience. He's a young person, he knows fully well the issues that young people face.  He's lived it and he's been a top cop for a short time in the police force so that's his job. He's going to work very closely with me from my office so he can put together all these plans. Everyone has a plan,” Pierre says.

This new post will create a direct line of communication with the cabinet, the PM says. He says stakeholders, everyday citizens and other groups will be able to file their solutions to the Crime Prevention Minister. He says this is intended to be a collaborative approach.

Hopefully, we can get a comprehensive document that will say what the steps are, albeit [the steps] change all the time.”

This new post, Pierre says, will allow the other governmental bodies room to breathe.

Now we want to concentrate and zero in so the Minister of National Security can have time deal with the security aspects of the country which is finding the fiscal space for the police. The police can deal with the operational aspects of crime,” he said.