“In Adversity, There Are Always Gains” - Stanley Felix’s Charges Dropped

Friday, Mar 22


respect my oath. I practice to the best of my abilities with utmost integrity and transparency. And what was done to my reputation is unforgivable,” said Attorney-At-Law Stanley Felix.

The “Perverting the Course of Justice” charges against the former Senate President, Stanley Felix, have been dropped by the Courts. This was made public knowledge on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024.

The Former Senate President provided some details surrounding the case made against him.

This whole so-called case hinged on the testimony of one criminal suspect that I was asked to represent. A young boy, about 19 years old, who I had no idea who he was, the first time I had seen him. The guy is a convicted rapist, a robber, and soon to be a convicted murderer, and he said that I, Stanley Felix, threatened him by saying whether he knows he's a dead man walking or something like this.”

Felix says his arrest was the product of a conspiracy cooked up by political actors who wish to see the Labour Party government brought into disrepute.

I believe that I was in the right position, occupying the right position as President of the Senate. And so the impact of arresting and charging the president of the Senate would be quite damaging or embarrassing for a sitting government. And so I was the target, and a group of individuals coordinated the entire thing and resulted in my arrest,” Stanley said at a press conference on Thursday.

Felix says he will not publicly disclose the identities of the individuals he believes are responsible for the charges being laid against him. However, he claims, the order would have come from the top of the legal food chain.

I cannot, I will not go so far as to name individuals, but the chief prosecutor in all of this is the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr. Daasrean Greene. It is on his instructions that the police charged,” he claimed.

Felix adds that the DPP should have known better as an attorney-at-law.

Based on what the court said, what was presented before it did not fit under the section that I was charged. In other words, there was no case against me, but he instructed [them] to charge me - even the youngest of practitioners would have observed that.”

Felix was arrested in October 2022 and was granted bail in the sum of XCD 15,000. He was relieved of his Senatorial duties the day after his arrest.

When contacted, The Prime Minister indicated that he wishes Mr Stanley Felix well and hopes he can return to his practice unfettered.