“National Security Should Not be Compromised!” - Pierre Takes Swipe At Laure’s Comments

Tuesday, Apr 23


resident of the Police Welfare Association, Cameron Laure, made some controversial revelations regarding the police’s resources while on an evening talk show.

Notably, contrary to National Security Minister Pierre’s announcement that the RSLPF will benefit from the most investment in Saint Lucian history, Laure says police have few resources to meet their needs. Laure’s statements raised questions about the confidentiality of police operations and resources.

Pierre responded during his policy address on April 23rd, reminding law enforcement personnel of their oath to keep police information secret. He says police “should know better.”

Mr Speaker, the details of the nature and extent of police equipment and resources are a matter of national security and should never be compromised by careless comments by people who should know better. Mr Speaker, I repeat, the details of the nature and extent of police equipment and resources are a matter of national security and should never be compromised by careless comments by people who should know better,” Pierre said.

He adds that the police are set to receive unprecedented investment from the central government to greatly augment their operations. The nature of these investments, he says, will remain largely confidential.

Laure asserted, during his interview, that the Administration’s investments thus far merely replace decommissioned equipment.

We have heard that for a very long time that we have given 30, we have given 20 vehicles. Most of these vehicles and equipment that have been given are just replacements. So it really does not even make a dent in terms of the equipment that is needed by the police to do what they're supposed to do,” said Laure during an interview.

The PWA President further argued that the Police Force hasn’t experienced significant investment since the Cricket World Cup of 2006/07.

I have not seen since World Cup 2007 any significant number of equipment being given to the police for their operations. Since that time, it has been replacing, replacing. You get five new bikes, three or four, even the same five being decommissioned. So we have not had any significant increase in terms of vehicles and the number of equipment that is needed.”

These statements by Laure come at a time in the history of Saint Lucia where the most resources have been channeled to the RSLPF and are supported by figures from the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure.