Chastanet Declares that Caribbean Galaxy was Investigated, Found Nothing Incriminating

Tuesday, Jun 04


e investigated every single allegation. Nothing was found at the time,” is what Opposition Leader Allen Chastanet had to say in relation to allegations of corrupt practices by CIP Agent, Caribbean Galaxy.

Caribbean Galaxy was first brought into Saint Lucia by the Chastanet-led Administration back in 2018 as part of the CIP’s Real Estate Programme. Carib. Galaxy was to commence construction of the Canelles Resort in Vieux Fort, estimated at over XCD$ 2 billion.

Fast forward to 2024, St. Kitts-based CIP Agent, MSR Media, has launched a barrage of allegations against Carib. Galaxy, claiming it was engaged in fraudulent transactions. Specifically, MSR Media alleges that Carib. Galaxy was underselling CIP packages in St. Kitts and Saint Lucia. The St. Kitts allegations span two former administrations, that of Denzil Douglas Administration, then Timothy Harris Administration; both predating the Pierre Adminstration.

Joining these allegations is Saint Lucia’s Opposition Leader, Allen Chastanet, who claims to be in possession of incriminating proof of Carib. Galaxy’s alleged corrupt deeds. 

When asked, however, whether his Administration had knowledge of this purported incriminating evidence when the developer was first engaged in 2018, Chastanet was at a loss for words.

CHASTANET: There were allegations being made…

SNO REPORTER: While you were in government?

CHASTANET: Yes, while we were in government. And so what was being alleged was that Galaxy was selling the citizenship, or the real estate investment, for $300,000 and providing financing. So you come, you put down $150,000, and they say they're going to finance the rest of it.

SNO REPORTER: What did your administration do with these allegations?

CHASTANET: But the better person to really speak to - and I'm not passing the buck - really is the CEO (at the time, Nestor Alfred). He would have actually more hands-on details.

The Opposition Leader finally revealed that when his Administration carried its due diligence, there was no evidence proving any misconduct on Carib. Galaxy’s part was found.

But when I brought up the issue, right, the board told me that they had not found any evidence to confirm that that was the case,” he said.

Carib. Galaxy is currently continuing with its construction of the Canelles Resort, and is also part of the government’s CIP Infrastructure Programme.