Community Leaders Raise Concerns Over Violent Crime

Wednesday, Aug 07


ow is it that a young man can take a gun and shoot a little baby?” remarked President of the Ubuntu Movement, Goddess Itopia Archer.

Speaking in relation to the shooting death of a 13-year-old youngster in his dwelling at Blanchard, Micoud, the Ubuntu Movement President calls for unity among youth.

Archer argues that violence among youth is disturbing as the society as a whole is severely impacted. Peer-to-peer violence, she adds, hurts all quarters of the populace.

How is it that we cannot see that we are suicidal? We're killing our own selves. How can we achieve anything as a people when it is that we have a bigger brother pulling a gun on a little brother even though they are not related by blood,” she said.

Another community leader, Dr Venus Cherry, government officials and other social groups should be planning strategies to address the deviance and violence among youth.

Hopefully the silence from the leaders means that they're in the drawing room putting a plan of action together. What do we need to do? What resources do we have to actually put on the ground? Which organizations that can make a change, that has influence, that can make a change?” he said.

In January of 2024, the Saint Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) in collaboration with, government departments, citizens, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including Rise and Ubuntu formed an alliance to work together to address the crime and antisocial situation affecting the country through crime risk reduction, and prevention strategies. The Alliance believes that the present approach to the implementation of interventions on an individual or organizational basis has not worked. However, there is strength and opportunity in unity, and we can achieve more by bringing minds, resources, and ideas together for the common purpose of addressing the factors that drive antisocial behavior and crime.