Wednesday, Jan 22

Politics in the SLMDA?

Thursday, Aug 08


n an emotive July 31st letter to the Chairman of the OKEU Hospital, Dr. Merle Clarke cited numerous grievances the Association had with the operations of the medical facility.

Clarke claimed the Hospital lacked basic resources for its smooth running, undermining the morale of staff.

Comments made by Housing Minister Frederick on August 4th at an SLP Youth Organisation AGM, cast the motives of an unnamed person into doubt.

Frederick contended that the timing of “a letter” is suspect, adding that the intentions of the author may have been politically motivated considering that the known operatives of the UWP had called out the SLMDA two days prior on their silence for what they perceived as healthcare issues. Further to that, observers also pointed out the leaking of the missive by the SLMDA President was also facilitated by the same UWP operatives, compounding suspicions of collusion

While the Minister mentioned the names of neither Dr. Merle Clarke nor the SLMDA, the UWP have inferred that his comments were in relation to the Association and its president.

Frederick’s comments came under fire by the UWP, who say that he had attacked Dr. Clarke.

Frederick’s statements, allegedly in relation to Dr. Clarke, is as follows: “The following day, after all of that is done, a zelev of Flambeau will write a letter undermining the work that we are doing in improving healthcare in this country.”

This week, in a released statement, UWP PRO, Lenard Montoute, called for an apology from Minister Frederick for his statements.

The prime minister should insist that Minister Richard Frederick issue an apology to the president of the Saint Lucia Medical and Dental Association, Dr Merle Clarke.” 

On August 5th, when pressed by reporters on the Minister’s statements, Prime Minister Pierre said he will discipline Cabinet members if he deemed their conduct unacceptable or irresponsible.

I don’t know what the minister said. If I have to call him out, I'll call him out. I am never one who will allow any of my Ministers to say what the opposition says - never,” Pierre reiterated.

PM Pierre also disclosed that he, as well as health officials, would be meeting with the SLMDA that week to discuss their grievances.