Students Air Grievances Regarding CAPE results

Patriotic Lucian Saturday, Aug 26 203292


ollowing the release of CXC results on August 24th, 2023, some Saint Lucian students have penned an open letter to the examination body, desiring an explanation of numerous reported “ungraded” results. In particular, these students wrote the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) at the two main institutions on-island that offer the exam.

The students plead with the examining body to incline a listening ear to their queries.

 “I have just received my results for the 2023 CAPE examinations and was very much surprised and disheartened by the “ungraded” grade I received for the subject of Communication Studies,” the student lamented. “Are the individuals at CXC aware that during June 22-23 2023, Tropical Storm Bret ravaged through St. Lucia? This resulted in injuries, loss of homes, and an inability to write examinations.”

 The disenchanted body of students is citing the after-effects of the adverse weather event as a cause for their lack of proper judgment while sitting the aforementioned exam. The letter claims students were unable to leave their houses during Tropical Storm Bret to write the exam. As far as the students are concerned, a representative wrote, leniency should have been given.

 On June 23, 2023, at the time of the Paper 1 Examination, an All Clear had not been issued by the government, and for the safety and well-being of the citizens, we were advised to remain home and avoid movement. Based on this grading received by over one hundred Saint Lucian students including myself, it appears that no leniency or consideration was given despite the uncontrollable events that occurred.”

 Students are requesting a revision of the grades given to Saint Lucians who sat the Communication Studies exam. “Saint Lucian students are now faced with unsatisfactory grades that do not reflect their capabilities, due to circumstances that they could not control.  Will provisions be made to allow Saint Lucian students to rewrite the subject without payment? Will our grades be revised? Or are we, the students of Saint Lucia now expected to face additional stress and financial strain by having to rewrite Communication Studies next year in order to gain our proper grade?

 CXC has officially stated that it took into consideration the passage of Tropical Storm Bret in assessing the grades of Saint Lucian students. As it appears, however, students seem very displeased.

Last modified on Saturday, 26 August 2023 13:12