Education (32)
Kwéyòl Instruction in Schools Among Other Initiatives for New Academic Year
SNO Moderator
01 September 2024
"w e are formally introducing the Creole language into the curriculum on a phased basis at the infant level in…
C ommunity organisations, parliamentary representatives and parents are intensifying efforts ahead of a September 2nd reopening of schools.
F ollowing one health-related CIP announcement by the Prime Minister was followed by another education-related announcement.
Teachers’ Union Deems Meeting with Ministry A Success Ahead of New Academic Year
SNO Moderator
19 August 2024
"T he Saint Lucia Teachers’ Union are describing their meeting with Education officials a success as preparations finalise for the…
Minister Encourages Scholarship Recipients to Contribute to National Development
SNO Moderator
14 August 2024
"Y ou have to go [to university] with the mindset that you're going to better yourself to come back and…
Ministry Advances Adult Learning Programme
SNO Moderator
08 August 2024
"Y ou have overcome, you are an overcomer. You know what it takes to overcome these challenges,” remarked Mercreann Modeste,…
"I t truly takes a community to raise a child, and I am indeed proud to be part of this…
D iscussions surrounding the Caribbean Examinations Council administering paperless exams date back to the early 2010s when technology became more…
Montessori Centre Tops Island at CPEA
Earl Bousquet
03 July 2024
9 9.8%, an almost perfect score, Jamie Devaux topped the island at the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA).
"L et us teach our children so that they can better understand the world around them, to adapt and rise…
Educators Meet to Discuss Developments in the Field
SNO Moderator
12 February 2024
P rincipals and teachers met for their yearly education summit to discuss the use of technology and other modern techniques…
Government to Serve as Guarantor for Student Loans
SNO Moderator
13 December 2023
S tarting in February 2024, the government will partner with the Saint Lucian Development Bank [SLDB] to offer student concessionary…
Community Engagement on the Transformation of Four Secondary Schools into TVET-Focused Schools
SNO Moderator
10 November 2023
T he following is a press release from the Ministry of Education:
Department of Education Activates Education Trust Fund to Empower Saint Lucian Citizens' Educational Aspirations
SNO Moderator
03 November 2023
T he following is a press release from the Department of Education: