
Education (25)

D iscussions surrounding the Caribbean Examinations Council administering paperless exams date back to the early 2010s when technology became more…
9 9.8%, an almost perfect score, Jamie Devaux topped the island at the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA).
"L et us teach our children so that they can better understand the world around them, to adapt and rise…
P rincipals and teachers met for their yearly education summit to discuss the use of technology and other modern techniques…
S tarting in February 2024, the government will partner with the Saint Lucian Development Bank [SLDB] to offer student concessionary…
E ducation Minister, Hon. Shawn Edward has invited scholarship recipients to understand their sense of duty to the country.
T he Department of Education wishes to inform parents and guardians that Kindergarten Registration for the Academic Year 2024/2025 for…
T he Sir Arthur Lewis Community College congratulates 2019 SALCC graduate Rahym Augustin-Joseph on his selection as Valedictorian for the…
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