Pierre Calls for Global Cooperation to Combat Climate Change

Thursday, Sep 21


he Sustainable Development Goals Summit is an opportunity for a holistic shift towards a more inclusive, just, peaceful, resilient, and sustainable world with the 2030 Agenda as a blueprint.

This Agenda charges governments to ensure the well-being of all citizens, taking steps to live in harmony with nature. It is believed that with sustainable consumption and production, environmental degradation and disaster risks will be reduced. Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre co-moderated this year’s SDG Summit, calling for deeper regional and global partnerships to achieve this agenda.

At this halfway point toward 2030, it is imperative that we capitalise on all opportunities to build resilience, reduce risk and accelerate sustainable development,” Pierre said, addressing the international delegation. He encourages unity among individuals as well as countries. The Prime Minister is urging more developed countries to walk the walk by enacting their commitment to a safer and healthier environment.

We must strengthen solidarity and cooperation among nations; to ensure that no one, no citizen - no ecosystem is left behind. We are well aware of the inter-sectional and transnational nature of our crises. What we need is action and the commitment of those who have the capacity to deliver. The time is now to give real meaning to building resilience and leaving no one behind.”

The Prime Minister says he intends to lead this cause starting from his own country. He says the government recognises the importance of resilience. “For Saint Lucia, the changing risk landscape requires building resilience across  - social, economic, political, financial, and ecological systems. As a Government, our focus is to promote equity and enhance the well-being and capacity of poor and vulnerable households within Saint Lucia. All of this is aimed at protecting their consumption; investing in their future, and contributing meaningfully to national sustainable development.”

The SDG Summit occurred during a time when the world observes International Ozone Layer Day. The battle against climate change is quickly unfolding.