SJC Teaches Students How to Capitalise on Technology

Tuesday, Sep 26 2195


n response to rapid technological advancements, St. Joseph Convent is taking proactive measures to educate its students on harnessing technology effectively.

Sr. Rufina Donat, the school principal, highlights the importance of preparing students for the opportunities and challenges presented by modern technology, including the potential distractions and benefits of social media in the development of young girls.

We are looking at them using social media for networking, schooling, developing character, using it in a responsible way. They can use technology to enhance their own educational skills. There are many programs and apps that would assist them. There’s so much potential in the technology,” Sr Donat told SNO. With the recent popularity of artificial intelligence, she adds, students are being trained to use the technology wisely.

There’s virtual reality, augmented learning - many things. Artificial intelligence too, but how do we use it? Again, these are the things that the students are looking at today - how do you use the technology to benefit your learning? It has its uses.”

Sr. Donat says the school is including parents in this education seminar to help them navigate the changing technological landscape.

Our parents will be online on Wednesday. They are registering as we speak. On Saturday morning, we are hoping to have all of our Form 1 parents at the breakfast seminar. We want to bring greater awareness to our parents so that they can work with us in assisting our children in using the technology. We are also going to be looking at the dangers that sometimes can pose to themselves - how they use it, the misuse of it. Students are sometimes on social media for hours. If the parents are aware of it, they can support us even more,” she disclosed.

The convent has extended invitations to the remainder of the district. Effective use of social media, she says, needs to be ingrained in all students.

Last modified on Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:00