SLPYO Condemns Reckless Statements Promoting Violence by Mr. Peter Josie

Thursday, Jul 27


he St Lucia Labour Party Youth Organisation (SLPYO) strongly condemns the recent inflammatory remarks made by Mr. Peter Josie, an operative of the opposition United Workers Party, on July 26th. In his statement, Mr. Josie expressed a disturbing sentiment, stating, "I would try to mobilise Vieux-Fort, and no member of the Labour Party would ever visit Vieux-Fort. Every time I hear a young person from Vieux-Fort kill another, I wish somebody, if not me, could mobilise them so that they don't kill each other, but I would tell them where the shooting should be."

The SLPYO firmly denounces these reckless statements made by Mr. Josie, as they promote violence and pose a significant threat to the peace and harmony of our beloved country. We believe that such rhetoric has no place in our society and does not align with the principles of democracy, mutual respect, and understanding that we strive to uphold.

Violence and its consequences affect all segments of society, particularly the youth. It is our collective responsibility to create an environment that fosters unity, empathy, and peaceful coexistence. We firmly believe that the development and progress of our nation can only be achieved through peaceful means, dialogue, and collaboration.

We call upon all young persons in St. Lucia to reject violence in all its forms and to stand together in promoting peace, harmony, and social cohesion. Let us resolve our differences through constructive dialogue, understanding, and respect for one another.

The SLPYO urges Mr. Josie and all individuals in positions of influence to exercise responsibility in their public statements. Political discourse should be centred around solutions, progress, and the betterment of our nation, rather than inciting violence or division.

We believe in the power of unity and working together to address the challenges our youth face. The SLPYO remains committed to engaging young people in meaningful dialogue, providing opportunities for empowerment, and promoting initiatives that contribute to their personal and professional development.

As we move forward, let us embrace the values of peace, tolerance, and inclusivity. Together, we can build a brighter future for St. Lucia, where our youth can thrive and contribute positively to society.