Saint Lucians Must “Work Hard” to Protect the Country -Pierre

Saturday, Nov 18


rime Minister Pierre has called on all citizens to band together and protect the country from dishonest politicians and leaders.

The Prime Minister made the charge during his party’s conference of delegates, this past Sunday (Nov. 12. 2023). According to Pierre, Saint Lucia is every citizen’s birthright.

The Saint Lucia Labour Party believes that those most able should assist those who are less able. Together, we must share the same space we call Saint Lucia…we must continue to love our country in good times and bad times. This is our beloved Saint Lucia, the Helen of the West Indies,” Pierre implored. His statements come at a time when many are questioning whether citizens born overseas should be allowed to be Prime Minister.

The SLP political leader is urging Saint Lucians to protect the country of their birth from foreigners.

This is the place where most of us were born and nurtured by our parents, teachers, spiritual and community leaders. This is our home. For most of us, there is no other place to go. We expect to live, work, recreate, and raise our children right here, unlike those claiming to be a product of a foreign country,” he said.

Opposition Leader and UWP Political Leader Allen Chastanet has taken umbrage with these comments. Not being born in Saint Lucia, Chastanet says the SLP has been trying for nearly a decade to oust him from the political arena.

From the moment that I was elected as leader of the UWP back in 2013, the SLP has employed every strategy possible to get rid of me from Saint Lucian politics. They even launched a campaign against me based on the colour of my skin and the country that I was born,” Chastanet said on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. Chastanet revealed that he was born in Martinique due to medical complications. He, however, says he feels insulted by challenges to his Saint Lucian identity.

I have spent the majority of my life working, developing and serving the Saint Lucia that I love dearly. I could have chosen to live anywhere in the world, but this is where my heart truly belongs,” he said. Chastanet also claimed that the government intends to table legislative amendments to the Constitution to prevent him, and others from becoming the country’s head of government.

Pierre, however, did not mention Chastanet, nor allude to constitutional amendments to prevent select groups from being prime minister. Instead, Pierre said Saint Lucians should work together to protect the country.

This is our home. We are prepared to play by our country’s rules, be law-abiding citizens, work hard for our daily bread and respect the human rights of our citizens and residents. We must protect this country,” he said.