Robert Innocent: Special Prosecutor

Tuesday, Nov 21


After more than two years of waiting, the Judicial and Legal Services has finally delivered a special prosecutor to the people of Saint Lucia in the person of experienced attorney, Robert Innocent.

Mr. Innocent brings nearly thirty years of judicial experience, having served in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Magistracy and in private practice. According to the Office of the Prime Minister, this appointment forms part of the administration’s plans to create a more transparent public service.

This appointment underscores the Government's unwavering commitment to addressing cases of misconduct and combating various forms of corruption by persons holding public office. Mr. Innocent's wealth of experience positions him as a dedicated and capable leader in the pursuit of

Justice. Mr. Innocent’s appointment marks a significant step forward in the Government's ongoing efforts to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity,” an OPM press release stated.

Parliament enacted the Special Prosecutor Act in August 2022, which created the legislative framework for the Special Prosecutor. “This Act is not about a witch-hunt. This Act is about having Saint Lucia as a place where corruption is not tolerated or encouraged whether for politicians or public officials,” Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre told Parliamentarians in 2022.

PM Pierre also added that the Special Prosecutor will deal with cases tailored to his job description, and will not eclipse the work of the DPP.

[The DPP] said that there are over 90 cases of murder in the system which he cannot deal with. We cannot wait for the Director of Public Prosecutions whilst the very core of our existence is being threatened by acts or perceived acts of corruption,” the Prime Minister disclosed back in 2022.

Many have issued their concern in the past regarding the rank of the Special Prosecutor in relation to the Director of Public Prosecutions. In the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for 2023/2024, the Special Prosecutor is classified as a Grade 20 public servant, while the DPP sits higher at Grade 21.