Constitutional Reform Committee to Meet Soon

Thursday, Nov 23


alks of Constitutional Reform date back to 17th February 2004, when Parliament unanimously commissioned a body to provide reform recommendations to the nation’s constitution.

An initial report was compiled in 2011, comprising 361 pages. More than a decade later, Parliament is once more treading down the path of constitutional reform. The announcement was made at the closure of the November 21 sitting of Parliament.

I wish to report that finally, we have some movement on the Constitutional Reform Committee. We have received the names from the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition. There is an issue with one of the names given by the Leader of the Opposition, which he has agreed to rectify. So, the Committee will be sitting very soon,” Speaker Francis announced.

In August 2021, in his Throne Speech, Acting Governor General H.E Cyril Errol Charles promised that the government would review the recommendations made in 2011.

My government will reactivate the bipartisan parliamentary committee to review Justice Suzie D’Auverenge’s Constitutional Report and the parliamentary recommendation with a view to adopting final recommendations for implementation,” he said.

A fixed term for election dates and the removal of the Upper House of Parliament were among the recommendations made.