Applications for Cas-en-Bas Condos Submitted to DCA

Friday, Dec 08


ousing Minister Richard Frederick announced that the first steps of the Cas-en-Bas housing development are completed, following the submission of applications to the Development Control Authority

Frederick says the Ministry of Housing will use one template to construct multiple condominiums. With this method, he clarified, the Ministry only needs approval for the structures once.

As long as we can get the monies to kick-start, those monies will go into a revolving fund so as we sell, we continue to build in the different constituencies,” the Housing Minister explained.

He continues, “One will understand that the plans are generic plans, so once they are approved, they can be replicated on any other site once the site can accommodate the buildings. We have had DCA understand that we can take a plan, and [build] as long as there is site approval [because] the drawing would have been approved already.”

According to the Minister, each building will hold 15 families. If the plans are approved this December, he says, construction will commence in January 2024. Following construction in Cas-en-Bas, condos will also be built in Bexon, Frederick says.

He says the condos will be geared at addressing the housing shortage on-island. “We have one and two-bedroom condos. One would understand that the construction of those buildings is contingent on a study conducted. We have a 14-thousand house deficit now. We target the majority of families and what would suit them at this time. We are focusing on those who need housing the most.”

Minister Frederick adds that the government has decided to not incorporate the price of the land in the sale of the condos. As such, each purchase will be made at an automatic discount.