Criminal Trends Are Imported - Wayne Girard

Wednesday, Jan 17


nse La Raye/Canaries MP Wayne Girard is adamant that certain criminal trends are imported.

He says an observation of many advanced criminal tactics would reveal that they are brought into communities by external forces.

We have a system where residents go overseas from any community. They find themselves in trouble overseas, they get trained in the things that are not lawful. When they are deported, they come back to their home country to commit crimes. There is an element of outside influence, but I do believe we need to redouble our influence to mitigate that outside influence,” Hon. Girard explained.

The Police are on record stating that most crimes committed in Saint Lucia involve the use of firearms - which illegally enter the country. Saint Lucia is caught in the crosshairs of a larger firearms smuggling ring involving islands in the French and Spanish Caribbean.

Facing both crime and youth deviance in his constituency, the MP says community members need to play their part in ensuring they are suitable role models.

When I grew up in Jacmel if I ever saw a fight, it would be very rare and very shortlived as the community would separate. In this particular instance, you find everybody turning a blind eye and saying it is not their business until it gets to their doorstep. Here is one thing we know for a fact - it may not get to you today but at some point, if we don’t arrest the situation, it will get to your doorstep,” he cautioned.

The MP is urging citizens to continue working alongside the police to help prevent and solve crimes.