Professional Assessment to be Conducted by City Police

Wednesday, Jan 17


rime Minister Pierre announced that the City Police Department will be the subject of a professional review.

Pierre, who highlighted that the novel department was not conceived by his administration, says he requires a clear understanding of the Department’s operations.

Once the review is finished, he says, a decision will be made as to the way forward for the City Police.

The City Police was not a construct of my government - we found it. I’ve asked the Minister for Local Government to have a professional assessment of the City Police, which is happening now. So as soon as that assessment is done, we will come with a solution,” the Prime Minister disclosed.

The City Police, which began in 2016 under the former administration, was designed to keep law and order in Castries City. The City police started with twenty-three officers and few resources but now includes much more officers with guns, vehicles, and other equipment.

When pressed as to the fate of the City Police, Pierre only reiterated that the findings of the review would be able to guide him.

The assessment is being done by a professional and when it’s complete, we’ll have a [way forward] on the City Police.”

The Prime Minister said he will continue providing additional resources to all arms of law enforcement to ensure they are properly equipped to handle crime.