National Disability Policy Among Initiatives from Taiwanese Donation

Friday, Jan 26


 recent $5.6-million grant from the Taiwanese government is going to fund four Constituency Development Projects.

These include the provision of housing repairs for the less fortunate, sports development equipment, rehabilitation of Human Resource Centres and the development of a National Disability Policy.

Prime Minister Pierre says the National Disability Policy is of personal importance to him, as he classifies himself as differently-abled.

I'm not afraid to say, I was actually born differently-abled. My feet were crooked when I was born [but] I was fortunate in that my parents could send me abroad and I could have a normal childhood,” Pierre recounted.

The Prime Minister says his experience has heartened him to many others who suffer from disabilities of different kinds.

There are many people who are unfortunate. Anytime I see anyone walking the streets with crooked feet, I say to myself that I wish that I could be in a position to assist them all.”

The Policy will provide government assistance to differently-abled people who are in need of treatment and equipment to aid in movement.

The Prime Minister is also urging that Human Resource Development Centres be used for the education and skill-developed of citizens.

HRDCs are very important to communities and I hope this year we can use these HRDCs in a way that is sustainable and in a way that benefits the people of the constituency a lot more. They can't be only used for dances and parties. We have to use them for education and this year I've instructed my staff we need to have - we need to raise the level of discussion in this country. We need to use the HRDCs for lectures and debates because the level of discussion in this country has reached the lowest level ever,” Pierre underscored.