Tom Walcott - Remembered as a Loyal Soldier

Friday, Jan 26


om Walcott was a pillar of strength to the Labour Party,” were the words SLP General Secretary Leo Clarke used to describe the recently passed Tom Walcott.

Walcott served as the Labour Party’s Chairman and was a structural engineer by profession.

“I remember Tom as a loyal, dedicated, committed supporter of the Labour Party. And that's the legacy that he is leaving behind with us. No doubt in my mind that Tom is going to be missed by all within the Labour Party from its leadership to the rank and file,” Clarke said.

Walcott was among the political figures who led the Labour Party during their fifteen years of opposition while Sir John Compton led the government. During these years, he was fundamental in uniting different party factions.

Then, aided a younger Kenny Anthony capture the government in ‘97 with a compelling 16-1 mandate and its still impressive 14-3 2001 victory. He remained at the service of the party during the years that followed, which are locally known as the “11-6” era.

Everything for him was the Labour Party up to the end and the Labour Party pays tribute to his outstanding contribution to the development of the Labour Party, to the sustenance of the Labour Party and the contribution he made that has allowed the Labour Party to be strong in government in helping to shape the belief and the philosophy of the Labour Party,” Clarke eulogised.

Prime Minister and SLP Political Leader, also issued his condolences to the family of Chairman Emeritus Walcott, thanking him for his success as a politician.

[He] was my friend, advisor, critic, consoler, and epitomised Labour. The news of his death this morning took me on a journey of fond memories, struggles, and victories. From my entry into the politics of Saint Lucia, Tom's unwavering support and loyalty guided me along a path which led me to becoming the Prime Minister of this country, an achievement which I am grateful that he got to witness,” Pierre said.

Walcott passed in the early hours of Thursday, January 25th, 2024 at the age of 87.