Personal Responsibility Needed Amid COVID Spike

Friday, Feb 02


anuary 2024 yielded three COVID-related deaths, the Ministry of Health explained in an update to the country.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Sharon Belmar-George is urging citizens to take responsibility for their health as the region grapples with this spike. Dr Belmar-George says citizens are aware of the protocols since the virus has been around for some time now. Knowledge, she says, will equip the country to battle the virus.

We advise persons, personal responsibility is extremely important,” she told reporters, continuing, “We know how this is transmitted and we also know that the most vulnerable groups are persons with chronic illnesses and the elderly.”

Dr Belmar-George says the Ministry has sprung into action to ensure public health facilities are in a better position to handle this latest increase.

The hospitals are on alert to ensure supplies, equipment, and medication are available. PCR and rapid testing are available free of charge to the public at the various Wellness Centers and Community Hospitals and Polyclinic. The regional public health agencies are working to source and supply the region with the necessary vaccines,” she explained.

Citizens are encouraged to vaccinate themselves against COVID.