Export Saint Lucia Dresses Local Products in New Packaging

Thursday, Feb 08


xport Saint Lucia unveils new packaging for many local products, increasing their marketability and impact on the global market.

The Agency exports across the globe and provides local products with a competing chance against other established brands.

Export Saint Lucia CEO, Sunita Daniel, says packaging is important in creating a memorable image for products and helps leave a lasting impression on customers. She says appealing packaging is crucial for 21st-century business life.

Improved packaging is not just about aesthetics. It is a strategic tool that can significantly contribute to increasing the visibility, marketability, and overall success in the export market. By investing in quality packaging, our exporters have gained a competitive edge, making their products stand out in crowded marketplaces and the attention of potential buyers. Enhanced packaging communicates professionalism, reliability and attention to detail, instilling confidence in consumers and fostering brand loyalty,” she explained.

Commerce Minister Emma Hippolyte says local businesses must strive to meet international standards. She says the government will continue to provide businesses with the environment needed to grow and excel.

As you all know, the global market is a dynamic and competitive arena. In order for our local businesses to thrive and flourish at this stage, it is imperative that we continuously strive for excellence in all aspects. The first impression matters, and it is often the packaging that catches the eye of potential customers, consumers, and partners. As a government, we have embraced the need for a strong brand,” she said.

Business Owners who benefited from the new packaging thanked Export Saint Lucia for its commitment to meeting the evolving needs of their businesses.

We are immensely grateful for the support provided to their business ventures. Their unwavering commitment to fostering our growth in innovation and the business landscape has been a driving force behind our success. I believe that that's a testimony of where we can go. The work has already been done by the small businesses, but without the dress code of the packaging, we will not be seen in the way we need to be seen, the light we need to be seen in,” said Shondel Alexander, Founder and Managing Director of Abby’s Exotic Bites.

The new packaging features bright, attention-grabbing colours in durable plastic packaging.