Do Not Touch! WASCO Denounces Defacement of Water Meters

Monday, Mar 04


abonneau residents woke up to no water in their faucets on March 2nd.

Investigations revealed that their water meters were destroyed by bad actors, severing hundreds of households from the main waterway.

The Water and Sewerage Company disclosed that a total of 27 meters were broken, affecting families from La Croix to Garrand, Babboneau.

WASCO CEO Zilta George-Leslie says Company technicians have repaired the meters and are investigating the offenders.

WASCO technicians were immediately dispatched to attend to the severed connections and restore service to affected customers. WASCO strongly condemns any act of vandalism or defacement of the company’s assets,” she said.

George-Leslie reminds customers that tampering with WASCO’s property is a criminal offense.

We take this opportunity to remind the public that tampering with any apparatus installed for the purpose of supplying water is a punishable offense to a fine of not less than $3,000 or to imprisonment for a period of not less than six months or both, and to a fine of not less than $850 for each day during which the offense continues.”

WASCO has also restored water to communities in the north of the island following their weekend-long repairs to a 5-kilometer-long water pip

The CEO explained that at 8 pm on March 2nd WASCO resumed systematic water distribution She notes that consumers at higher elevations and the network’s extreme ends may experience delays and low flows as the pressures build up.

We remain committed to addressing the water supply challenges and to ensuring that the operation of our infrastructure meets the needs of our customers,” George-Leslie stated.