$100K Given to Island Champs Games Through Ministry

Thursday, Mar 07


sland Champs, once known as the Inter-Secondary Sports Meet, is touted by Ministry officials to be bridging the gap between sports and academics.

One of the notable changes since the rebrand to “Island Champs” is the accessibility of the games for spectators, parents and other stakeholders.

Instead of the games being held on a weekday, they will be held on the weekend. Following the successes of many Saint Lucian athletes and sports personalities, the Ministry of Youth Development and Sports is also embracing athletics as a career. 

Rallying behind this change is First National Bank, which recently donated XCD 100,000 to the Ministry to facilitate the hosting of the Champs.

We're serious about investing in our people and who more so to invest in than the young people? We want to build that relationship early. We want to invest in education, in our people, in sports. Sports is no longer about a punishment or pastime. It's now ingrained in the education system in Saint Lucia. We are pleased and we are humbled to be a part of this initiative,” said First National Bank Managing Director, Fletcher St. Jean.

The Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Mary Wilfred, says the government has given them their full support to develop the sporting atmosphere in Saint Lucia. She adds that with the help of their new sponsor, they will achieve their strategic goals.

We are confident that our partnership will be sustainable with our new corporate sponsor and we look forward to greater mutual benefits with all our stakeholders. The Ministry wishes to assure that we are striving to provide the best enabling environment for athletes to thrive and to obtain global recognition,” she said.

She says the Ministry is awaiting the promised rehabilitation of the George Odlum Stadium in Vieux Fort. The athletic training facility is currently being used as the St. Jude Hospital as the hospital undergoes reconstruction.