Lost in New York: Distressed Saint Lucian Reconnected with Family

Thursday, Mar 07


he Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York announced that a distressed Saint Lucian woman living in New York City has been reconnected with her family, thanks to the efforts of the Saint Lucian community both at home and abroad, and of one individual in particular.

Saint Lucian Ms. Jeanin Jules (an MTA employee) encountered Ms. Anne Anthony at the train station in the Bronx where she works, on two occasions. During the second encounter on March 4th, Ms Anthony informed Ms Jules that she is Saint Lucian and was interested in connecting with her family but did not have the means. Ms. Jules offered to take her photograph and share it through social media, in the hope that someone would recognize her,” the Consulate said in a release.

In response to the information provided by Ms. Jules, the Consulate General successfully located Ms. Anthony’s relatives in the United Kingdom, who indicated that they had last heard from Ms. Anthony in February of last year, and had been trying to locate her without success.

On March 5th, Ms. Jules encountered Ms. Anthony again at the train station, and in an effort to ensure she was able to receive appropriate care she notified the authorities, who transferred her to a nearby hospital for medical attention. Ms. Anthony’s family and the Consul General Mr. Jeremiah Hyacinth were informed of her admittance to the hospital.”

The Consul General visited Ms. Anthony in the hospital and indicated that she appeared to be doing well; he also confirmed that her family had made arrangements to travel to the United States to be reunited with her.

The Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York expresses sincere appreciation to Ms. Jeanin Jules for her thoughtful acts of kindness, and to all those who played a role in ensuring that Ms. Anthony's family was found.